El Real Junior
El desván de los juguetes (Schools)
15 Nov, 17 - 24 Nov, 17

This show is based on the work written by Claude Debussy in 1913, inspired by the world of toys. This production by the unique Compañía Etcétera, directing by Enrique Lanz, comments on family memory, the value of memories and the objects we inherit from our parents and grandparents.
After the musical works La boîte à joujoux by Claude Debussy and André Hellé, and Le petit nègre from Children's Corner by Claude Debussy.
Production by the Compañía Etcétera with the collaboration of the Junta de Andalucía.
Patron friends
18 March
2017Subscribers friend
23 March
2017Tickets on sale
28 March
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